Welcome gift of the OC by [NotSureWhy](/profiles/NotSureWhy), who just joined Derpibooru yesterday. [Awesome way to introduce yourself. 🥳😇](/images/3056454?q=faved_by_id%3A497790)
Movie style gifts are a pleasure to do nowadays 🥰🤗
Tried to match the original screencap shading exactly with gradients only rather than shading clips, which made vectoring a little more difficult especially on the body! Came out pretty accurate to screen I think! 🥳😁
Based on his picture above linked, and [this Rainbow Roadtrip screenshot.](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UL6ajSHLiBM/XSTy-mCF0-I/AAAAAAAADr8/qgOdO9ykrSAbGBIoB7TEIaVxL7Rl4FO0ACLcBGAs/s640/Rainbow%2Broadtrip.jpg)