> so this sweet girl is Raspberry Peach the eldest daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Bic Mac. she works with her aunt Rarity in her ponyville boutique and creates dresses based around fruit and sugary treats!
> ———bio——
> Name: Raspberry Peach Delight
> Nicknames: Raspberry,Berri, Peach, Peachy, Rasppeachy (baby sister), my darling Peach (Mama Twi)
> Age:22
> Birthday: April 22nd
> Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Consort Big Macintosh
> Family: (to be introduced)
> Hometown: Ponyville
> Current Residence: Sweet Apple Acres
> Talent: Creating Fruit inspired clothing lines
> Occupation: Apprentice to Rarity Belle
> Personality: Raspberry is the most polite pony your will ever meet. She takes good care of her siblings and cares for every pony as her own. She is most definitely a workaholic and tends to over work herself a lot. she did this to the point one time that her mother came searching for her and she was passed out the the sewing machine and almost sewing her fabric to her hoof! Nowadays her mother keeps a close eye on her and makes sure to make sure Berri gets home at a reasonable hour.
> Backstory: Raspberry was born to two proud parents on a small little farm in middle equestria. Her oldest brother BlackBerry Zap was so excited to finally have a sibling and adored his sister from the start. Raspberry and BlackBerry were like twins, stuck together by the hip though the main difference between was one was a bookworm and the other prefered hands on things like sewing. when Raspberry was about 8 her "aunt" Rarity came to help with the new baby and Raspberry was instantly intranced by Rarity's sewing and talent. So when asked how to sew Rarity was quick to teach the little Raspberry and adored how someone loved her talent just as much as she did, for all her own children hated clothes but loved their mother.