
~New OC, which means Derpi is gonna start to hate her :<~
"Been a while since I made a new OC. While I am happy with Yosh and Lilly, its time to expand as they get a new friend. Meet IceBeak!
IceBeak (Icy for short) is a hippogriff who lives in the south pole. Many, many, many moons ago, several hippogriffs migrated from Mount Aris, settling in various areas across the world. IceBeak's ancestors settled in the south pole and over time, adapted to the harsh, cold environment, becoming polar hippogriffs.
IceBeak herself is very friendly and curious. Despite living in sub-zero temperatures, she has a big heart and is very hardy. She's also very hands-on, and enjoys tinkering with various things, in particular she loves making frozen treats like ice cream, smoothies, and snow cones. She lives in an igloo with her pet penguin Percy, and the two are inseparable. Her curiosity for the cold waters below have gotten her into trouble due to the ever-present danger of the Ziphius, a dreadful sea monster, but she loves observing and playing with the penguins, seals, and whales that she shares her environment with.
IceBeak would later start traveling across Equestria, selling some of her frozen treats to everycreature. They were very well received in Mount Aris, where they would be popular during the hot summer days on the beach. She also got to expand her inventory, as she was able to use the fruit grown on Mount Aris to create fruit-flavored ice pops.
And now a few fun facts about her!
*IceBeak tends to bring a fan with her wherever she goes to keep herself cool. While she does love warm weather, she overheats very easily, and tends to stick to cooler places like what she has back home in the south pole.
*She can become a SeaPony, as the polar hippogriffs posses a similar Pearl, but they avoided going into the water and their secondary home of Glaciana when the Ziphius arrived. Once the beast was tamed, they were able to go back into the water.
*One of her best deserts crafted was an ice cream cake make to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Rockhopper, the ruler of the polar hippogriffs.
*Her favorite animals (besides Percy) are puffins, beluga whales, and orcas.
And there's IceBeak! I'll probably start drawing her more often now. I've had the idea of doing a polar hippogriff OC for a while, and now I am glad I did. She is gonna have so many fun adventures with Yosh and Lilly, and I can't wait to get some commissions featuring her!"


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