Explanation [(FYI, see the pony types):](https://www.deviantart.com/melisareb/journal/Alphabet-Lore-Letters-As-Pony-Types-My-Version-946875810) G — Hippo**G**riff. His beak is sharp and the tallest among the ponified AL characters (excluding Z). H — And yes, [ghost ponies are canon in MLP universe.](/images/2771204) His cutie mark is a ghost. His body's opacity is 80%; then the glow is cloned, opacity is 80% and blur is 20%. I — He's a cute short unicorn. Using his magic aura, he can blast someone. [Based on this pony's body (Short Fuse).](/tags/short+fuse) His cutie mark is a drumstick.
I traced them in screencaps, can't credit bases because it's very negligible.
Alphabet Lore belongs to Mike Salcedo
Made with Inkscape. SVG files are in a ZIP folder, Separated versions, & Cutie Marks: www.patreon.com/posts/79763155 Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106048346