
Been meaning to draw her for years now. This is Vanargand, one of the very first quote unquote "villiains" in our RP dating as far back as 2011. She predates Andrevus himself, born in pre-antiquity times and one of Luna's original apprentices. Her lifelong dream was to unite the disparate pony tribes before Equestria was even founded, and tried to create an enchanted armor that would be able to bestow alicorn status to just about anyone who wore it. However, that armor was cursed by Discord's machinations and she ended up as an insane and twisted mare who nearly destroyed Moonbeam's family. Sealed away for thousands of years she was eventually defeated and redeemed, stuck in a filly's body to gain a second chance.

Later on, she got together with Andrevus' son, essentially "growing up alongside him" despite her soul being thousands of years old.


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