> RARITY BELLE Partner — Capper. She is the most famous fashion designer in Ponyville. She has her own clothing stores, but her greatest passion is tailoring for high society, especially for princesses and royalty, from which she has the largest income.
> RAINBOW DASH Partner — Tempest. She is member of the Wonderbolts and Spitfire's right wing. She is teaching new recruits and Spitfire wants her to be the next captain of Wonderbolts.
> APPLE JACK Partner — Trouble Shoes. Lives and works at Sweet Apple Acres.
> PINKIE PIE Partner — Cheese Sandwich. She's co-owner of Sugarcube Corner, with Cake's family.
> FLUTTERSHY Partner — Tree Hugger. She is helper at the animal clinic and owner of an animal sanctuary.
> I know these are mostly facts from the show, but I didn't know what else I could come up with for them.
> Have a nice day <3