*Was blessed with the honor of drawing the participation badge for the 2023 Derpibooru Community Collaboration this year,* in partnership with [The Smiling Pony's](/profiles/The%2BSmiling%2BPony) [Flower Trio](https://derpicdn.net/media/2023/3/13/16787370485283820168147222.svg) (for those who helped others with their submissions). *Thank you so much Derpibooru — I will always treasure this!* 🪙🤗💗
[Normal version here.](/images/3064098?q=artist%3Alincolnbrewsterfan) Site-modified version by LightningBolt here, and thanks to her, my 550th artist upload:>>3064105 *Fun fact: Both sets of badges had their counterparts uploaded consecutively by image ID* 🥳