A spunky little mare, with little expectations in life but a big family to call her own!
Personality Reserved, but with a great sense of self-worth. She is incredibly motherly and affectionate, falling in love easily but also staying incredibly loyal to her friends and partners. -Likes: sugary treats, seeing foals happy around her, a good lazy day in the sun. -Dislikes: Overly assertive or aggressive ponies, crowds, tomato juice
Background/History Back in her hometown on the west coast of Equestria she was an unassuming filly, too shy to date, but generally happy. Things sadly changed when her meek demeanor had been mistaken for attraction by a local gang leader. Abused and taken advantage of by her supposed coltfriend Lemon was miserable, until her childhood friend Blooming Hydrangea took the situation in her own hooves one particularly rough evening. They ran, far far away from their hometown, seeking refuge now that they were scared of retaliation from Lemon’s angry and bruised coltfriend. They ended up in Jolly Bay after a long train ride, traumatized, but ready to start a new life…
Relatives/Family Sister to Poppy Bread and daughter of Pumpkin Bread, a single dad and a baker. She doesn’t know she is half sister to Cloudy Day. Later on happily married to Blacklight Bulb.
World/Setting Equestria (MLP) Jolly Bay (Original City made by me and my partner)
Body Petite but sturdy, she stands way below the average mare. Her tail is crooked at the dock, making it curl inward next to her cutiemark. Her and mane show signs of partial albinism or poliosis.