
Originally posted on: Jun 18, 2022 11:21 AM
> Chapter 2 is finally here!!
> This chapter is a lot more brutal than the last so please be mindful of that before reading.
> characters are:
> Rarity
> fluttershy
> cameos:
> FancyPants
> Spike The Dragon
> Rarity was walking around the lobby of her store, seeing the sea of customers coming in to admire her new dress design.
> The white unicorn then made her way behind the register, giving ponies copies of the fress, with the same set of shoes.
> “I must say Rarity, your dresses are making an amazing comeback for business” FancyPants spoke up, deciding to visit Ponyville as a casual getaway from the busy life of Canterlot.
> Rarity gave a proud smile as she handed a copy of the twilight dress to his wife, who had just made a purchase.
> “Why thank you FancyPants, it's always lovely to see you, might I add.” Rarity said with a coy chuckle.
> Both unicorns exchanged fancy small talk, mixed with giggles and tapping of hooves as they exchanged pleasantries.
> After fancypants, as well as the other ponies piled out of the shop, rarity decided to close early, putting a sign on the door saying she needs to restock in dresses, as ponies had already bought out her current stock, much to her surprise.
> Having customers back, admittedly, was rather nice, and she was finally making profit to keep her business, and her home life, afloat.
> But who knows how long the twilight dress alone would last with keeping customers piling in.
> She needed more ideas, and more dresses for more variety for ponies.
> She then began to notice that a lot more ponies were beginning to get pets, small critters like bunnies, birds and small cats.
> Fluttershy had suddenly boosted in popularity, perfect.
> Before she could come up with a plan, she heard a knocking on the door.
> Answering the door, it was Spike, standing there looking rather tired.
> “Hey rarity.. Have you seen twilight? She hasn't been around the castle lately and i'm beginning to get worried.” Spike asked, his little ears drooping down, his eyes looking rather sore from being awake for so long.
> “Oh, she didnt tell you? She was making her way to the crystal empire for a royal meeting. She said she would be back within a month or so.” Rarity responded, thinking quickly on her hooves for an excuse to explain where twilight went.
> Spike seemed to accept this answer, but not without a small frown on his face, hanging his head a bit.
> “I'm sorry Spike, I know Twilight tells you everything. But after she was here with me testing the collisions on my dress design, she seemed to be in a bit of a hurry to get going.” Rarity explained, further spinning her web of lies.
> Spike simply gave another nod, walking away and making his way back to the castle.
> Once Spike was out of sight, she took this moment to make sure the coast was clear before making her way to Fluttershy's cottage.
> Fluttershy was seen flying around her cottage, taking care of her animals by doing her rounds of feeding everybody. As rarity approached, Fluttershy was feeding her brown bear friend some salmon. Rarity walked up to the yellow pegasus, smiling softly
> “Fluttershy?” Rarity called out, causing the pegasus’ to turn around, still holding the basket of fish.
> “Oh!! Hello Rarity!” Fluttershy called out with a smile, putting the basket down and flying over to greet her unicorn friend.
> “I hope you aren't too busy, I need your help with something back at the boutique” Rarity explained, giving her friend a hug as she spoke. The shy pegasus gave a nod, before asking about what she needed help with.
> “Oh I'm designing a new dress for my new fashion line. For the fashion show I'm having in Manehattan soon? I'm working on my 2nd dress, and I need help choosing which colour of fabric to use. You seem to know things about different colours, do you mind coming with me to see which ones will work best?” Rarity explained, which confused the pegasus.
> “Why can't you just tell me about the fabrics, and have me choose that way?” Fluttershy asked, tilting her head.
> “Oh uh…” Rarity paused before coming up with an answer. “The fabrics have different textures, and you need to touch them as well as look at them.” Rarity explained, finally coming up with an answer.
> Even with the strange pause, this seemed to convince the pegasus, and she nodded again, following the unicorn back to the boutique.
> Once they arrive, rarity explains that the fabrics she needs fluttershy to look at are upstairs in her bedroom.
> Fluttershy makes her way upstairs, as Rarity closes the door and locks it behind them, closing the curtains to block out all light from the main shop of the boutique.
> Following the pegasus upstairs, she ignited her horn, picking up a thick roll of fabric with a wooden inner tube, this fabric was a deep red, almost blood red.
> In rarity’s bedroom, fluttershy was looking around, confused about where the fabric choices were, spreading her wings as she made small circles of the room, thinking rarity had just not brought them out yet.
> After a few minutes, she heard Rarity walk into the room, turning to face her friend.
> “Hey rarity there you are! Where are the fabric choices? I can't seem to see them anywhere.” Fluttershy asked, tilting her head.
> “Oh, I have them right here.” Rarity explained, making the pegasus look around once more in confusion.
> “Red… Or yellow…?” Rarity asked, before hitting Fluttershy as hard as she could over the back of the head, with the roll of fabric. The wooden pole in the middle of the roll delivers the most amount of force to bring the pegasus to unconsciousness.
> Fluttershy awoke in a dimly lit up storage room, her ears folding back as she attempted to look around. As she moved her head around, she noticed the sound of a chain echoing through the room.
> Looking down at herself, she notices that she is chained to the floor by a thick metal collar.
> Giving a loud yelp, she begins to pant, her breathing getting rapid and heavy, her ears folded flat against her head as she attempts to pull against the chain. It was no use, she’s stuck tight.
> Looking around for a way out, she notices that the mannequins lined up all have initials of her friends on the flanks. The “T” mannequin has a dress on it already, a purple dress, with dark blue socks and golden shoes. Streams of crimson ran down the legs of the plastic pony, creating a small puddle below.
> Fluttershy’s eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the room, and noticed that the dress was wrinkled, dried, and old. Before squinting at the dress, realising that the dress was made of skin. Twilight’s skin.
> The yellow pegasus let out a deafening squeal, as she attempted to fly away, and look for an escape, only to be yanked back down by the collar. Seeing rarity in the middle of the chain, holding it in her teeth, before allowing it to drop to the floor.
> “My dear sweet fluttershy. I cannot thank you enough for agreeing to help me.” Rarity spoke with a coy smirk on her face, walking in circles around the cowering pegasus. The unicorn locked eyes with Fluttershy as she stood on her tail, encouraging a soft yelp to come from the pegasus.
> With a soft smirk, Rarity walked over to her table of tools, taking out an old sewing machine. It still worked, but it was easy to get things jammed inside.
> “I’ve already used wings for one of my outfits. So it's probably for the best that i don't repeat ideas too many times. So I have no use for your wings. But I can't risk you flying hard enough to escape. But let's face it, you can't escape. But just to eliminate that risk…” Rarity explained, as she picked up the machine, bringing it over to the shivering pegasus.
> Fluttershy’s guard was fully up, as she stared at the machine in confusion. As the unicorn places the sewing machine beside Fluttershy, she speaks up again, in a cold tone.
> “Now… I need you to cooperate… Or am I going to have to use force…?”
> Putting 2 and 2 together, Fluttershy let out a scream, before attempting to take flight.
> With a snarl, Rarity used her magic to grab fluttershy by her wings, dragging the struggling pegasus back toward the machine.
> ”Such a shame darling… And here I thought you’d be a bit smarter than this…” Rarity spoke as she slammed Fluttershy onto the ground, pinning her onto her back by her wings.
> “RARITY! PLEASE!!! I WON'T TELL ANYONE OF THIS!! JUST PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!” Fluttershy pleaded with her friend, tears beginning to flow down her face, as the machine roared to life.
> The pegasus’s screams rang throughout the room as the machine began to sew her wings together. Blood splattered over the machine, as the pegasus’ screams continued to ring through the room, as she slowly lost her ability to fly.
> Rarity also took out an electric razor and shaved off Fluttershy’s mane and tail right off the bat while the shock was still there.
> “Now… While I was collecting material from twilight, it was very difficult collecting the material I needed when I got to her hooves. So I suppose I should handle that while I'm here.
> I will be right back dear, I'm sure SweetieBelle has something in her closet.”
> Rarity spoke up as she began to walk away from her whimpering friend, making her way into the shop again and shutting the door.
> While Rarity was away, the yellow pegasus began to openly sob, trying with all her strength to pull away from the chain, hoping to break it. Even without the assistance of her wings.
> The yellow pegasus continued to yank and pull at the chain, beginning to sob harder when she realised nothing was working.
> “Please!! Just break!! Please!! I don't want to die here!” Fluttershy yelled out, to no one in particular.
> After her energy was spent, she let out a frustrated scream, a blood curdling scream that nopony had ever heard before, before she sat back down, her head hanging toward the floor and crying again.
> Once Rarity returned with what she was looking for, she noticed the state fluttershy was in, and how the chain was pulled tight against her body, seeing she was trying to escape.
> “Oh fluttershy, even in this state you try to escape? That's just cute.” Rarity spoke up with a chuckle as she made her way back to the table, leaving what she was looking for at the door for now.
> The yellow pegasus looked up at Rarity as she tried to see what she was doing.
> She heard a click, a soft hiss, and saw a red glow slightly illuminate the wall in front of the white unicorn.
> Rarity then turned back to Fluttershy and sat down beside her, almost as if she was deep in thought.
> Before she suddenly gave a loud “ahah!!” and stood back up, taking out some nails and a hammer, pinning her friend to the floor again.
> A soft giggle sounded from the unicorn as she picked out a set of 4 nails and a rubber mallet.
> Fluttershy continued to openly sob as she looked up at the tools, as the nails aligned up with fluttershy’s upper front legs, and the thighs of her back legs, avoiding fluttershy’s cutie marks.
> Rarity gave a wicked smile as she began to slam the nails into Fluttershy’s legs. She let out a loud shriek as she was nailed to the floor, the pegasus openly sobbing again as more liquid crimson flowed down Fluttershy’s limbs, forming small puddles on the floor. Some splashing over Rarity’s face.
> Fluttershy continued to struggle against her new binds, even as pain shot through her limbs.
> Once the pegasus was nailed down, rarity took a step back to admire her work, the blood of her legs now forming puddles on the ground, staining her fur.
> The yellow pegasus looked at the nails in horror and began to feel dizzy, her eyes rolling back as she suddenly fainted from shock…
> Coming back to reality about 2 hours later, Fluttershy noticed a soft stinging sensation on her torso. As her vision stopped swimming, she noticed there were small streams of smoke flying through the air above her. It didn't smell like the type of smoke from a fire, it looked like the type of smoke you would get from cooking something.
> Confused, the pegasus looked around for the source, before looking down at herself. There was a lot of skin missing from her stomach, and the raw muscle was covered in developing blisters. Rarity had begun to skin the pegasus alive, and she had cascrated the wounds to prevent her from bleeding out before she woke up.
> Fluttershy let out a loud, sharp gasp. Which caught the attention of the chite unicorn.
> “Ah hello fluttershy! Welcome back!! I hope you don't mind but I decided to get a head start on gathering the materials I need to make my next outfit.” Rarity chirped with a soft smile, her horn lit up as she was holding up a scalpel, covered in blood.
> Fluttershy let out a gut wrenching scream, causing her voice to become extremely horse by the end of it. She was shaking from head to hoof, sobbing uncontrollably, making the exposed muscle in her stomach spasm with her rapid breathing.
> Rarity gave an eye roll as she waited for the pegasus to realise that there was no way out of this.
> “Well that was quite the performance darling. But I really need to get this job finished. But if you wish, I can give you a chance to escape… Even in this state” Rarity said with a smirk, her horn illuminating, and pulling the nails out of her hooves with ease, causing the pegasus to wince as the clotted blood was pulled away, causing the bleeding to start anew.
> The unicorn then pulled out a fireman’s axe, and swung it down sharply. The pegasus’s eyes shut tightly and flinched, before she heard a loud clanging noise ringing in her ears.
> Slowly looking over, Fluttershy saw that rarity cut clean through the chain that held fluttershy to the ground. The pegasus slowly got up, her wings still sewn together, the only option she had was to run. Attempting to ignore the pain in her legs, she ran as fast as she could toward the exit.
> Rarity watched as the shy pony made her way to the exit, before rearing up on her back legs, using the forward momentum as she came back down to throw the fireman’s axe at fluttershy.
> The blade embedded itself in the back of fluttershy’s head, her body immediately going limp as a river of deep red flowed down the wooden stairs to the ground below. Rarity placed a bucket at the bottom of the stairs to catch the blood, as the unicorn walked toward the new corpse of her friend.
> Beginning to harvest the materials needed for her next design.
> Ponies gathered by the shop window once more, as a new design had been released. A nice, pastel yellow shirt with pink butterflies on each side. A thin fabric skirt, that was a nice forest green, looking like a leaf skirt. The shoes were a pastel pink, with more pink vines making their way up the forehooves of the mannequin. On the statue’s ear, was 3 small butterfly earrings.
> The 2nd design… perfect to represent the element of kindness herself, and her love of nature.
> I hope you all enjoyed this 2nd chapter of 'Inspired by friends' the 1st chapter can be found within the folder labled the same as the title of the story :) You can also find my other stories in my folders!
semi-grimdark43989 artist:brybrychan108 imported from derpibooru3641533 rarity253034 pony1665843 unicorn587068 blood36068 clothes725672 death7654 dress69908 female1967988 hoofprints358 implied fluttershy1070 mare796659 raised hoof77305 signature48770 smiling447454 solo1589434 story included13892


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