Everything in here has something to do with me. What I’m not, what I wish I wasn’t, what is buried deep inside because it’s not the person I want to be.
I named her Ariel. While I liked Lechar/Lecher, one person brought up “Ram” in Hebrew since Rachel is “Ewe”. I couldn’t find actual names that mean ram and are still female so I found “Lion” which then turns to Ariel. It seems like a strong name. Like a sturdy name to hold one proud.
Let’s get to the rest of her.
Pink. She has pink hair and eyes because I despise the color. When I was little, I thought girls HAD to like the color but as soon as I found out that wasn’t true, I ditched it and I hated it. But the eyes are my longing for the feminine side of it…
She also is thinner than most ponies I draw. It matters how she looks and her appearance to others because that’s just how it is. I take pride in feeling safe enough about myself but this is the little nit-picky part of me that knows the world may judge me for how I look.
The blue is an actual invert of Rachel’s body. I could come up with some underlying meaning but I won’t. I just thought it was pretty…
Her legs have a gradient that is how deep I am in my inner thoughts that trouble me. I guess that’s why Rachel has wings. So I can fly away from it all. But Ariel can’t. She is knee deep in it all and I really wish I had no troubles since so many have it worse.
The last part is her cutiemark. It’s not just a piece of paper. It’s the paper to my pencil. She’s a part of me whether I like it or not and she’ll always be connected to me.
So this is my Anti-Rachel and everything I don’t like about myself. But it’s okay. This wasn’t supposed to get deep but I thought I should at least have some things behind it.