Rainbow Dash bit her lip as she reached back and pulled on the stretched-out waistband of her skin-tight sweatpants, sliding it over her fleshy legs before stopping just below her massive rear.
“Almost there. You can do it,” she sighed heavily, giving her pants another firm tug. But it was no use. No matter how hard she pulled or how much it stretched, she was still far too big to wear them. Every forceful attempt she made did nothing but cause her massively fat body to wobble and bounce.
Though she grimaced slightly as she stared into the mirror, eyeing her immensely obese figure up and down, a determined smile suddenly spread across her face. She may still have been an absolute blob, but at least she was actually back on her feet, standing without needing anyone’s help. For what it's worth, she was proud.
“You know what?" She smirked as she flexed her arm. "You still got it.”
Rainbow — 898 lbs