
My OC Eclipse the Pegasus
%First time doing something like this so bear with me.%

Eclipse is a strong headed and kind hearted black colored pegasus mare with a solar eclipse cutie mark, who serves in the E.U.P in both Celestia's Solar Guard and Luna's Lunar Guard.

She was fascinated with Princess Celestia as a young filly and devoted herself to becoming one of Celestia's Royal guards. Which She accomplished being 8th in her graduating class allowing her to be under the service of Princess Celestia directly as a reward for being in the top 10.

Which is why it was quite a surprise and reluctance for her, when 2 months in of her service as her Majesty's bodyguard, Princess Luna returned from the Moon. Prompting Celestia to reassign Eclipse and a handful of other select Solar guards into into newly established the Lunar Guard to be a bridge to help Luna integrate in to Modern Equestria along with Bat Ponies, who've come out of hiding from the mountains upon the return of the Princess of the Night.

She eventually comes to appreciate the kindness of Luna and the strange quarks of the bat ponies, ~although she still can't stand the screeching at times~, but at heart she is still idolizes Celestia and relishes the occasional assignments from the Sun Princess herself.

[Eclipse as a Solar Guard](/images/3074646?sort[]=3074646&q=uploader_id%3A517695)

[Eclipse as a Lunar Guard](/images/3074654?sort[]=3074654&q=uploader_id%3A517695)


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