> Scootaloo looked over at her and nodded, before looking back to Diamond Tiara in the distance. Scootaloo had just turned 18 years old, and now had to go to the required two years of enduring flight camp, mandatory for all 18-year-old pegasi. Unfortunately, this meant that Scootaloo wouldn't be able to see her friends and family for a very long time, including her marefriend Diamond Tiara. As the orange pegasus stared sadly at the pink earth pony she loved dearly, she began to tear up. "D-DT, I…" she started, but was interrupted when Diamond Tiara galloped up and pulled her into a passionate and romantic kiss. "Mmph?!" the orange mare went at first, surprised by her move. But eventually she warmed up and accepted it, kissing back as she knew that this would be the last time they'd ever meet for at least 6 months.
> Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! This is the first of two pictures I have planned for today! I drew this picture back on Monday, the 9th. I was super impressed with it too! It was the first time drawing one of my OTPs, ScootaTiara. And yes, I ship these two so fucking hard, so deal with it. :3 Enjoy!
> I used this picture as my main reference: https://www.deviantart.com/rainbowplasma/art/Pixelated-Ember-321593122
> Art © me
> Original picture © RainbowPlasma (http://rainbowplasma.deviantart.com/)
> Colored by the amazing MrBluenitro7
> MLP © Hasbro