> This is her OC Nomminus after turning into a pony upon entering Equestria! She quixkly made a meal of one or two ponies, and is now struggling to figure out how to walk with four legs instead of two!
> I'm pretty happy with this drawing. I incorporated a new pose I've never drawn before, and it surprisingly turned out pretty well. Though I am happy with this, I feel like I didn't capture Nommy's appearance well. I also made the drawing too small on paper, so I had to resize it after scanning to get rid of all the empty space on paper.
> Anyway, enjoy!
> Refs used: https://www.deviantart.com/estories/art/Vector-Silverlay-126-536761059
> https://www.deviantart.com/nomminus/art/If-Nomminus-was-a-Pony-381685434
> Art © me
> Nomminus © Mazin Mazin
> MLP © Hasbro