Born to Silly


> But not as powerful as acid reflux.
> This is a gifty thing for a good buddy of mine over on deviantART to get me back into the swing of drawing. His stallion OC Chestnut wanted to relax with a nice book, but it looks like his digestive system had something else in mind…
> Now, before you say anything, just lemme clarify that this isn't vore, nor is it meant to imply it or anything. (Or maybe it is to you, I'unno, make up your own backstory, you do you, fam) Chestnut is just naturally gassy and gurgly bellied pretty much all of the time.
> I don't really have much to say about this picture, honestly. It took some time to get the ball rolling, and I had to glance at a reference or two and change the pose up since the original version wasn't working out. I wasn't happy with how the drawing turned out, but I think I improved upon it in digital editing. I also accidentally found a new technique for coloring the eyes. I fucked up the eye during coloring, so I fucked around in SAI and figured out a way to find a source of light and add shine to the eye. I used the same method to make the saliva splattered on the book look more realistic as well, so I'll be trying out this method more on future drawings. I mean, it's not shading… but it is a step in the right direction, I suppose.
> I am happy with how the entire piece came out as a whole.
> I hope you all enjoy.
> As this is someone else's OC, reposting on any other site is prohibited.
> Chestnut © bigbuffmonster
> Art © me


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