"I will not help you." The older alicorn, whom Twilight had never seen in such awful condition snapped at her with an unnaturally harsh tone of voice as Spike and Twilight followed the unknown Celestia down one of the long overgrown paths deep in the Everfree Forest.
"B-But Starlight Glimmer caused this! She has put Equestria in this state! Don't you care about what happens to Equestria? To anypony?" Twilight begged with anger boiling to the surface as she spat out her last words. Spike followed beside her, unsure of what to add as they continued on. Celestia paused as she considered the question before answering slowly. Making sure her words would not be left on deaf ears.
"This world is not the one you know. In this world, my subjects abandoned me. I gave them everything I had, I…I…" Celestia struggled to continue before her own anger flared in her eyes of dark memories. "I couldn't find the element bearers to release my sister from Nightmare Moon, so…when she returned…I had to end her. Permanently. All for them. All for their precious needs. But, as thanks for saving their sorry souls, they revoked my title and threw me away. They banished me from my own home. So no, Twilight Sparkle. I don't have to care about anypony, I have already given all I have. There is nothing left to give."