
The MLP fan story concerning my elf OC has been on my mind lately and I wanted to share this still image of a scene I had in mind for it. To see what your thoughts were.

The context is as follows:

Caledor (the elf) has survived a terrible massacre of his people at the hand of Mortuus (you can find his picture in my gallery). He’s wondered for days through the wilderness, scraping for food and water.

Until he discovers he’s been followed by something.

He hides and waits for his moment to ambush whatever is stalking him. He jumps out and aims his arrow at the thing trailing him.

And it’s in this moment he encounters his second Alicorn. Only this one has a different presence about it.


As some of you can tell, this scene has a familiar setting to it as far as I’ve drawn it. (Pocahontas to be exact). And it plays out more or less the same way. The elf lowers his bow and the two share a strange moment as two worlds meet.

So my question that I want your thoughts on, is should I steal this setting for my story, or is there another way I can make these characters meet in a similar manner?


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