Nicknames: nut, nutty, meg
Age: 14
Gender: mare
Species: earth pony
Height: 4.9 ft.
Weight: 300 lbs.
Eye Color: brown
Mane Color/Style/length: loose hair with light waves, brown with purple highlights
Personality: gentile, sympathetic, over sensitive, emotional, over reacting, on most day calm, easily throne off, makes decisions before thinking.
Likes: art, music, playing the flute and ukulele, singing in privet, math, water,
stars, the moon, northern lights, dolphins, bunnies, cats, badminton, volleyball
Dislikes: the dark, shots, bees, wasps, hornets, spiders, snakes, most bugs,
Strengths: family and friends, art, singing, math,
Weaknesses: heat, chlorine, self-esteem, P.E, her fear of things like shots, bees, wasps, and other bugs. Grammar, spelling, Motion sickness,
Cutie mark: purple paint splotch with a treble clef in it
Special Talent: art/music
~ Mother: lunar song
~ Father: strong bow
~ Siblings: none
~ Friends: jewel, sorer, ocean diamond,
~ Significant Other: none yet
Hometown: filly arm
current Residence: Ponyville
Backstory: Growing up young nutmeg discoverer a passion for art, and singing. ( although she loved singing she has stage fright so never sang for people.) however her father was un approving of her love for art, because once long ago his love for art destroyed everything he cared about, and now he hated everything to do with it even his own daughter, but his hate for it only made her passion grow in an effort to make her father proud not knowing why he was like this.
Years passed and one day a cutie mark appeared on her flank, a purple splotch of paint with a treble clef in it with every day and new piece of art nutmegs father only grew more and more angry, until one day he had enough and snapped. Horrified and realizing that her father would never be proud of her, she fled to the end of town near the ever-free forest. There in the bushes nutmeg saw a radiant glow more beautiful than the summer sun celebration after princess Luna's return. Feeling drawn to the light nutmeg entered the forest, there in behind the shrubs was a creature she had never seen before, she looked like some sort of deer with a manticore like tail, tangled in her antlers were shiny webs of silver with a small dull gem in the web. Her eyes were deep blue, and around her chest was a bright glowing gem, this creature was beautiful every step she took was graceful and calm. Although nutmeg had no idea who she was or what she was, nutmeg felt safe. It was obvious the creature knew nutmeg was there but likewise she felt safe, like this pony could be trusted. A few moments passed, nutmeg finally grew the courage and introduced herself, " hi, my name is nutmeg." The creature looked at her and said, " it's nice to meet you nutmeg, I'm jewel what brings you to my home?" Nutmeg answered," I ran away from home and ended up outside the forest then I saw the glow from your necklace and followed it." after the two talked more jewel invited nutmeg to come to the old castle with her. Knowing she was not ready to return to Ponyville nutmeg agreed, once they got their jewel showed nutmeg around, and took her to a room in the castle it was decorated with stars and moons with a theme of night. " this is where you can sleep, my room is just down the hall" then she left. Nutmeg lade on the bed a thought about her father, why was he like this? Why did he hate her? These questions kept flooding in her nude until she fell asleep the next morning, she and jewel went to pick fresh fruit from the wild bushes and trees for breakfast, after that nutmeg explained that after much thought last night she should go home, and that she would visit often. Jewel being the understanding creature she is knew it was for the best and guided her friend to the edge of the forest where they met the previous day, but before nutmeg left jewel gave her a necklace identical to hers as a reminder of their friendship. Nutmeg exited the forest and headed home, when she got there, she was surprised to find her father weeping in the living room clutching the last piece of art that she did. When she entered the room her father’s eyes gleamed with pure joy as he ran to her and embrace her over joyed that she was ok. After all the tears were gone her explained all her questions and promised he would never let anything like it happen again, then he held up the drawing she made before she left, and at that very moment her cutie mark glowed brighter than her necklace jewel gave her. Truly realizing her talent.
And as she promised she returned to jewel, and finally got the courage to sing in front of people, together they would sing for hours. and their friendship stayed strong their whole lives