> Generated for :'s bonus theme: Draw a pony in another artist's style. > > If you haven't seen this style before, it's from "Ask Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie" [Link](https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://askfluttershyandpinkiepie.tumblr.com/), an adorable little shipping ask Tumblr about, you guessed it, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. > > That said, this little project was an interesting experience. First of all I can easily see why they use this style. I've never, ever drawn this way before, had to reverse engineer several aspects of the style, the colors, the formatting, and in spite of that this drawing took less than an hour. > > Just with the stuff I've gleaned from this drawing alone I think I could probably do another in about 45 minutes, and with more practice get it down to 20. > > This means that this style is very well suited to either quick work, or volume work. Given that it's in use on a tumblr, that's a Good Thing (TM) > > Also interesting is that I didn't use any vectors here. Everything is penciled in using single stroke lines. It was kind of interesting tracing the same line a few times each to produce the desired path, but the results are quite nice. (In my not-terribly-humble opinion.) > > In any case it was fun!