"If there's one thing I learned from Rainbow Dash's example, it's to never give up and to keep pushing at your boundaries. I also learned to be supremely confident in my abilities. But, the difference about me and Rainbow is that I don't have to shout my accomplishments from the rooftops. That was a harsh lesson for me to learn, I'll admit that. Now are we gonna race or what?"
Hey everyone,
I promised Scootaloo, and I'm here to deliver!
As mentioned in the comments of the Sweetie Belle piece, in my AU, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are a little older and have a few differences from their canon counterparts.
In Scootaloo's case, she hit a growth spurt, and started developing faster than her friends, hence the use of the teen filly body style. Referenced here is that though she still loves Rainbow Dash like a sister, she has now learned to be her own mare.
And yes, in my AU, she can fly- albeit to a basic skill level at present as her previously underdeveloped wings slowly catch up to where they should be. Despite this, her old and trusty scooter is still her preferred mode of transport, and has been rebuilt many times by Scootaloo herself. With her more powerful wings, she is a LOT faster on the scooter than she was!
Overall, she is very much the same character, just with a few tweaks to better fit the narrative that I'm putting together.
Anyway, Applebloom will be up next!
Base Here: www.deviantart.com/lanternomeg…
Thanks for checking out what I've been working on! I hope that you've enjoyed this little diversion, and as always- take care of yourselves, and I'll catch you next time!