
fluttershy !!! i love her ,, <3

headcanon timee :
- shes the tallest of the group along w applejack
- her wings are too small to properly fly
- she has floppy ears !!
- some pegasi have bird features, she has some
- the blue streaks in her hair and the green leaves are from using rainbow power
- shes a selective mute
- discord, tree hugger and her take care of all creatures that need their help
- rarity loves playing around with her hair and makes sure she takes care of it


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4 comments posted

When virtue signalling mental disorders and forcing your will upon helpless others doesn't net you the attention and validation you crave, just say that it's Fluttershy! Everyone loves Fluttershy!

You don't love Fluttershy, you love virtue signalling and mental disorders and forcing your will upon helpless others — characters, in this case. If you loved the actual ponies, none of that nonsense would be there as you'd accept them as they are, not as your delusional mind thinks they should be.