> Chibi Pretty shine — test
> eh i was too tired and accidentally wrote the signature wrong TvT''
> anyways thats one smol chibi pratice 9u9 testing out shading anatomy and such !
> i also recorded it but i think it took over 5 hours cause i did other beans too ;a;;
> Speedpaint:
> [www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNCJkJ…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNCJkJ9cv4Y)
> related:
> [chibi Sunset scratch — test by PrettyShineGP](https://prettyshinegp.deviantart.com/art/chibi-Sunset-scratch-test-712220281)
> [Chibi Deep sky — test by PrettyShineGP](https://prettyshinegp.deviantart.com/art/Chibi-Deep-sky-test-712221184)