> O shit
> i tried the ''first paint in gray scale then add colors'' painting method
> and i hate it so much omfg
> it makes me so unconfortable to do cause its so gray and hard to add lots of color variations TvT
> so yeah thats why it looks shit hoho
> well i tried so i thinks thats enough lmao
> anyways thats a kinda gift for [LeafyMerriz](https://leafymerriz.deviantart.com/)
> cuz her birthday was yesterday
> and also cause she've been wayy to supportive and friendly with me past days ;;
> i was having really hard times and even with such huge help requests she still helped me out
> and i apreaciate it so hecking much hhhhh <33
> and also yeahh
> i tried to finish one fullbody commish but SAI keep fricking crashing in my face
> so im not able to save the whole process i made cause not enough space in this stuped computer
> so welp aparently i will either make a drawing with low resolution, details and poor quallity or wait for my new notebook wich may arrive in a few weeks—-