
Originally posted on: April 15, 2016 at 11:53 PM UTC
> Taxidermy Rarity
> The smell was repugnant, so much so that it dizzied me, and made me feel like I might lose my lunch. Her eyes were rotting and a yellowish film glazed them over.
> Her nose, mouth, and ears were leaking out a fowl brown/red fluid that stained her white coat, she would decay soon, her lips would rot, her eyes would become mushy and be eaten away by maggots and flies, a home for parasites..
> It was….. Perfect.
> It's not my best but eh, I posted it anyway. =p
> I was originally going to name this "How to Stuff a Marshmallow" But then I remembered that that's the name of RariShy clop fic.
> [Fluttershy (derping) PLZ](
> I hope you like my paining and if you did feel free to leave a +fav
> Speedpaint: [](


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