heres my story for how she ascended : her and celestia were normal unicorn sisters, luna having melanism and that being why she is a darker color. it took multiple very powerful unicorns to raise the moon and the sun, and after a while there just werent enough left. equestria was left in eternal darkness until the sisters found out their powers were raising the moon and the sun, they both ascended and gained their cutiemarks at the same time. its why she has a little sun symbol in her cutiemark and celestia has a little moon !! after luna was brought back from her punishment, she gained a more sunset-y mane from helping celestia raise the sun. celestia had grown exhausted doing so much work alone for a thousand moons
headcanons: - her and luna are the first alicorns to ever exist - she looks more like a pegasus/bat pony, while her sister has more unicorn features - she is very shy and quiet, since she has such a loud voice - she is the smartest of the two, and does alot of the background work while celestia is the one that ponies see the most - people are starting to appreciate her alot more since her return - struggles adapting to all the changes, since she was banished for so long - very sweet, you can always depend on her