Born to Silly


>You try blinking away the tears that lie on the edge of your eyes but they still fall, and burn you again
>”We know full well the temptations to pretend that this pain does not exist, but you must face it” A chill like ice runs through the hallow dreamscape and you look up at Luna
>Her head is turned away from you, to something behind her
>Looking over her shoulder, your eyes widen at the pony in front of you both
>The same height as Celestia
>A billowing mane of stars
>And a coat like ebony
>You’d only seen Nightmare Moon briefly when you studied this Equestria’s history, you didn’t expect her to command such a presence
>”If you are ever to know peace” Luna’s voice drops to a whisper and her counterpart wordlessly turns her gaze away from you two and out towards the endless void

While reading some green the other day, I found myself inspired by this short passage. The imagery of Nightmare Moon looming (for lack of a better word) over Luna and Eris was too good to not try and capture in a picture


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