I saw a lot of people hating her but like, she had such good timing for me cause when she appeared in the show my niece was just born so I was like YEEEE BABY
ANYWAYS- here's my headcanon for the precious bean taken straight from the brainstorming channel we have for this nextgen xD
So in I think season 9, when Sombra returns he kidnapped Flurry Now I find it hard to believe that he did nothing to her so we're going to change that Basically Sombra put a curse on her so that everytime she uses too much of her magic at once it directly feeds his soul, Sombra hoping this would keep him alive. But since Sombra ended up being basically destroyed, nothing but his horn remaining it now feeds his spirit instead. The more magic he gains through Flurry the more he can interact with the world of the living