She did indeed experience what Twilight had referred to as 'Sudden Onset Estrus', and her posterior… her hindquarters also 'inflated' a bit… but she had been able to control herself. One of the few perks about her 'exile' was that she (well… Nightmare Moon) had learned to control and temper such urges. Kind of have to during several centuries of imprisonment on the moon.
While Celestia was quite enthralled, even infatuated, by the smaller individuals… these hoo-muns… and went off to meet as many as she could; Luna was soon found herself caught in the vicinity of a massive fire that had erupted in a nearby building (well… it was certainly impressive from her viewpoint, but to the 'natives' it was quite huge). While she was more than happy to sit back and let the professionals put out this fire, they certainly didn't need a giant alicorn poking her nose into things, the Moon Princess found she couldn't stay on the sidelines for long when she had heard a desperate cry for help from inside the burning structure.
Against her better judgement, Luna used her considerable magic to immediately locate the source of the cries, and then extract the person who had been (presumably) trapped inside.
It was a child, a hoo-mun child. Frightened, and confused, by the sudden change in scenery (not to mention staring down a gigantic 'pony creature'), he seemed to try and curl up… to make himself look even smaller.
"Art thou okay, child?" repeated Luna, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. Silently, the young man nodded his head in confirmation. The alicorn sighed in relief, though she began to see why her sibling had become so attached to this small creatures. ————-
Luna does some spontaneous heroics while visiting the strange human world. Tempted to do an eventual continuation of this thread, and deal with Luna taking an interest in the welfare of this child.