Born to Silly



> A lukewarm response, but the only one Luna could manage for such uncertainty. The past was the past, and even back then they did not know how the world would be tomorrow. They did what they thought was best, what was safest, as they continued to do now. The world knew now, and the best they could do was continue to fight for their way of life.
> As for Shatter, he appeared crestfallen by her answer. But not shocked. Perhaps his lack of surprise hurt her the most.
> She would not have his loss of faith in who they were or what they could be. She refused to release his hoof, in fact, tightening hers to his. Reaffirming to him fiercely and truthfully, “Shatter… we need you. You and all your pilots, now more than ever… May I ask where your loyalty lies?”
> His stare met her own, and this time she was given an answer. A familiar one at that. “With our world… With ponykind, always.”
> Almost exactly what he said that day in the throne room. Though, Luna noted the lack of his first response: “With the crown…” Did it mean something deeper, or did she delve too much into nothing? Regardless, it was an answer she could accept, despite her haunting doubts. She gave him one more promising grip of her hoof to his, assuring him in silence that he was not alone, before she rose to let him rest. It was still quite early in the morning.
> The fact remained, however; he always stood by that belief. Ever since he joined T.I.T.A.N., since he stepped hoof in Twilight’s throne room, and even now as Luna offered one last smile and left him, closing the door behind her, he always believed that. He always fought for that.
> Now, Shatter was even more convinced of that.

**Princess Luna ©️ Hasbro
Shatter Heart ©️ JDPrime22**


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