
> Delirium said:
> Definitely a nice digestive walk. Talkin', walkin', and takin' in the view ahoy!

Your party agrees to join Dawn Break and Moondancer on a walk, while Sea Swirl decides to stay behind with a lazy-feeling Sassaflash, and Sugar Twist is off to catch the next music performance.

Sea Swirl: "We'll see you guys later!"

You wave at the pair, and make your way eastward into town. Above you, strands of string lights running from roof to roof have since been lit, giving off a warm orange glow as sunlight slowly fades from the sky.

Soon, you reach the inner road, and take a left. Despite the later hour, the festival shows no signs of slowing down; ponies young and old fill the streets as they move from one activity to the next, balloon or snack in hoof.

Dawn Break: "Have you three made a boat for the race tonight?"

You nod, and mention that you have two boats between the three of you, and three enchanted trinkets to go with them.

Moondancer: "I was surprised by how many scrolls the enchanter gave away for free. She's not from Canterlot, and it shows."

Apple Basket: "Are those usually expensive?"

Moondancer: "Kind of. It's complicated."

Dawn Break: "Currencies work somewhat differently in Canterlot. In the upper class, ponies pay for the sake of paying moreso than for the item itself; it's a matter of prestige.

As a result, several currencies are exclusive to the capital, such as platinum bits, guild tokens, and royal tokens. High-level enchantment scrolls usually cost wizardry tokens."

Moonflower: "Sounds super fancy! How do you get those?"

Moondancer: "Either by completing tasks for the Circle of Canterlot Wizards, or by buying them off of other ponies who just happen to have some, usually in exchange for different guild tokens."

Apple Basket: "Land's sake, that sounds like a real headache."

Moondancer: "You can say that again…"

You cross a small stone bridge, and soon find yourself weaving through a small crowd. Cheers and laughter echo in the evening air as revellers try their luck at games of skill — from toss games to high strikers, a dozen booths offer to reward one's strength and dexterity with unique hoofcrafted prizes.

Moonflower: "Oooh! We totally gotta come back here later!"

You promise that you will, and continue on your way. Once at the other end of the road, you pass by your house — which you point out to your friends —, then take a right at the coming fork.

Dawn Break: "So this is where you live? Charming."

You nod, and playfully invite the unicorn sisters to stay the night at your place after the festival. Surely, if you try hard enough, you can fit five ponies in your bed!

Moondancer: "Uh huh…"

Dawn Break: "I take it you're half-joking around, but don't worry — we already have a reservation at the inn. We can always stop by for a visit tonight or tomorrow morning, though."

Moonflower: "Heeheehee… you really need a bigger bed, Blazer!"

After crossing another bridge, a beautiful melody reaches your ears. In the town square, the music performances have resumed, now with Lyra Heartstrings on the harp, Windcaller on the flute, and two others on the guitar and the contrabass.

In front of the stage, a few pairs of ponies slow-dance to the music, including some learning bat ponies, while others sit or stand around to listen. You conclude your walk nearby, next to a posting board.

Dawn Break: "You wanted to go to the campfire stories next, right, sis? It should be starting soon, behind the library."

Moondancer: "There's a library…?"

Dawn Break: "Well, I don't think it's open today."

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