“Can it Doc.” Lars growled. “I’m only here because tha- the Old Bear Insisted I attend this session.”
“Sessions.” The therapist corrected with a smile motioning her to take a seat on the couch. “So, where would you like to begin?”
“How about how you just tell me what I need to say to get out of here as soon as possible.”
“Ah I’m afraid I cant do that, these sessions are about you after all.”
For a long while Lars sat and stared at the ceiling, hoping that through some miracle the entire thing would come crashing down crushing her and the therapist alive thus sparing her this hour of torture. How was she supposed to know where to begin? Everything was so jumbled up now that she couldn’t even begin to untangle it if she wanted too, and it was all due to that damn wolf! If anything he was at the heart and core of all this.
“Look Doc, he had it coming.” Lars blurted out folding her arms over her chest as she ground her teeth together. “He got off lightly too, a keyboard to the face is nothing to him.”
The pencil in the therapist’s hand scribbled a note, Lars tried to ignore the sound.
“Besides he was fine.” Lars waved her hand, the memory still made her angry. “He was laughing at me! Laughing about his stupid little prank – and then I, just, snapped, and the next thing you I wake up with a broken keyboard in hand and security being called.”
“And then – and then the smug bastard just got up, dusted himself off and tells me that I ruined a perfectly good keyboard!” Lars’ fingers dug into her elbows as she hugged herself. “It got better to, you think he would have learned his lesion but nooooo!”