> 14th Jan 2023, 6:00 AM in [What About Discord?](https://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/62874)
> I didn't realize until writing this page that I've secretly longed for someone to follow up "What am I, chopped liver?" with "…You know what, that makes sense if I was in your shoes, carry on."
> Tirek: This… venting was all well and good, but I can tell you aspire to non-violent solutions, even in the most dire of circumstances. How about a diplomatic exchange to end hostilities?
> SFX: (SNAP!)
> DM: The rest of you – Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Discord – are teleported above Tirek, suspended by bubbles of force that you're currently too drained to break.
> Discord: And now he's just openly cribbing my style. Lovely.
> Pinkie Pie: Are ya winnin', bestie??
> Rarity: Judging by the state of the land and the respective combatants, I'm going to assume: Probably not.
> Tirek: Their freedom, in return for all the alicorn magic in Equestria. I'll let you imagine what happens if you refuse.
> Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, this was kind of the obvious move in retrospect. …But why Discord too?
> Discord: I'll concede to being chopped liver in this instance.