
A full ref for the big baddie of the Charityverse, King Hightower. He's the great grandson of Chancellor Neighsay, and is somehow even more shitty than him. His father, King Golden Rule, was killed by members of the Equestrian Liberation Front (ELF) when Hightower was a colt, and the young heir to the throne was forced to come forward and take his place as king (despite being an illegitimate child who had been raised with the nobles rather than the King himself). As he grew, so did his hatred for the ones who had killed his father, and all those who supported them. He wants to do what Golden Rule couldn't: return balance to Equestria, and all of Zacherle, by kicking out all the non-pony creatures that moved in during Twilight Sparkle's reign. Equestria is for ponies, after all. Twilight was too trusting and too naive, and it nearly cost the lives of millions.

With the yaks, griffons, zebras, and everything in between out of the way, the only problem is the remaining hybrids. They can't exactly return to somewhere they never lived, but there's no way Hightower is letting them run free and corrupt the country again… well, there's more than one way to skin a cat. All he has to do is recruit strong, intimidating ponies to keep them in line, and before he knows it, they'll fizzle out and Equestria will be back to normal. Surely nobody would dare to get in his way, right?


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