And before a certain person, who don't understand the meaning of the word "opinion", getting beserk, let me explain.
I was thinking about this special a little and decided to give it a fair try if I ever get the chance to see it (obvious it will be just possible with internet, cause obvious it will never appear in german theaters, actual would surprise me if it would appear in germany at all…). Which btw. raises the question WHY this appears in theaters… does a thing like this not work better as a tv or dvd special? Should the first MLP FIM movie not be about…well…the pony world? Thats kinda odd…
Whatever… frst of, I have no problem with the ponies being humans. Actual I think that it is a good idea for making a special about them being humans. As little something for the fans. What I'm worried about is the story. There is so much they could do wrong with this. Actual the whole "highschool life thing" is allready a bad idea, but if they do some certain things right, it still could be good…
OUCH…why does writting this gives me a dejavu?….
Well the things I'm hopping for the most are:
1) That this bitchy character is more than just a bitchy character. I heard she is based on a not-used MLP villain, so I really hope that she actual is this villains somehow. If she really just is the bitchy character then it is a totally waste of character and a really bad decision, lets hope they are smarter than this…
2) That this blue hair guy will NOT become Twillights love-interest. Maybe a friend and a helper for this world, but NOT A BOYFRIEND or something. It would just be a punch into the faces of the fans and a very very very terrible movie clichee. And it would not make much sense for Twillight falling in love with someone who is a different species and is not even from her world and may not even the kind of person she would fall in love with.
3) Twillight trying her best to get back to her world, and not something like she decided to stay there… why should she? Is not her world, is not her home, is not her body, this are not really her friends she knows from her pony world. And also… lets be honest, equestria (the pony world) is way more cooler and way more beautifull.
So yeah, so long they don't screw this 3 certain things up, it could turn out to be good. But again, have to wait till I may get the option to see it…
And yeah…spyke as a dog.. I don't get it either…
And have to admit… it still could be worse than this…
BTW: I have seen the trailer, people told me it is real but please, someone proof me that disney's "planes" is really just a joke, a fake trailer. Cars was allready bullshit, so I don't want to believe that this is real. I know this sounds kinda hypocritical here… and it kinda is. But lets be honest, in the case of cars we allready knew why it was bad and it was actual the case, by planes it is for sure the same stick… just with planes instead of cars…