
"Yeah, I'm going crazy with the pokemon/My Little Pony cross overs. xD

I used the basic template from for the trainer card, as well as to add the pokemon. The rest, I edited and added myself using Gimp.

I chose the pokemon she has based on her taste, her job, and other personal attributes. The sableye and the Gabite are there because they both horde gemstones, making them very useful when she goes gem hunting. Leavany is there because she is the tailor of the pokemon world, and her silk and cutting skills can also be useful to Rarity. Purugly is there for Opal. xD The Smeargle is there for her sketching and coloring needs, and the Gardevoir is there just for her grace and psychic ability, which perfectly matches Rarity's personality."-SeaAndSunshine


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