
"Here is Princess Cadence's trainer card.

She has a Gardevoir for her beauty and being in sync with other pokemon and trainer's emotions. It also is a pokemon that also has a love connection with Shining Armor's shiny Gallade. Luvdisc is there because it is the symbol of love and romance in the pokemon world, and whenever a couple spots one, they are destined to be happy together. The Lopunny is there because her shiny coat matches more for her color style, and also because she requires love to evolve. Melloetta is there because as a Royal Princess, she requires at least one Legendary, and this one seems to suit her the best. The Delcatty and Lilligant is there to connect her with her aunts, because Delcatty evolves Via Moon Stone, and Lilligant evolves Via Sun Stone."-SeaAndSunshine
This is the last one that isn't on the site… I'll put up new ones when I see them posted.


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