No, I did not see Equestria Girls yet, but I will later on. Judging from what my brony friends have told me, it seems like an okay movie and from its reviews it sounds very interesting. Like 'Return of Harmony' interesting. Not to mention this Sunset Shimmer girl is like a mix between Trixie and Queen Chrysalis.
Being the MU fangirl I am, I just want to sketch anything MU related and become one with my fellow Pixar and Monsters U/Monsters Inc. brothers and sisters. And honestly, this is one of the better Pixar movies that kicks Cars 2 and even Brave right to the curb.
Mike Wazokski has always been my favorite of him and Sully, and I can definitely see some Twilight Sparkle in him from what I've seen in the movie. He totally rocks her mane!
And Johnny Worthington, president of the top fraternity Roar Omega Roar? If it were possible, he and Sunset Shimmer would be a cocky, conceited crossover couple of epic proportions…or severe siblings created from a multi-universal mix.
And also, thanks to various fans who nabbed popular songs from the movie premiere itself and post it on YouTube, I will admit that the 'Helping Twilight Win the Crown' one is my absolute favorite.
I'll be honest about something: I can't exactly look at Equestria Girls without imagining all of the characters being replaced by MU students, Mikey Sparkle in a heated rivalry with Johnny WorthingSun for the Scare Games trophy/crown. I can't exactly think of any cartoon in general without imagining any of the MU cast in it. I really am that obsessed.