The conflict soon turned from rumor to reality in a matter of months, Equestria needed to act quickly or else an invasion would be imminent. All soldiers had to report to their respective posts. That meant that Flash had to return to the Crystal Empire Faust knows how long. Twilight could not follow him, for the Princess was ordered to remain hidden in Ponyville.
She jerked her head up as she listened to the heavy armored hoofsteps entering her room. she heard First Base sniffling loudly. Flash was fully cloaked in heavy golden armor. His gaze was hard and steady, just like a guard's eyes should look. Twilight approached him and looked at him straight to his eyes. No words came out of her mouth, for she had already cried and begged him to stay. But a Guard was a guard and he had to do what he had to do. That was to protect and serve. She felt tears coming down her face, her cheeks puffed from the tears. First Base joined Twilight and stood straight, buffing out his little chest trying to look as strong as possible. Flash let his guard's mask off and gave in to tears as well. For him it was easier in the past to go to battle, but now he had his brother and his Princess in his heart, it made it so much harder to go.
He enveloped both in his hooves and squeezed them to his chest. He could feel Twilight's hooves wrapping his, she was trembling, he squeezed her tighter. First Base sniffled loudly, he turned to his little brother and said:
Listen here young stallion, Spike is in Canterlot at the moment, so that leaves you as the stallion of the house. You take care of the Princess okay? I trust you with that
First Base nodded whipping off the tears from his face, he gave his brother a last big hug. Flash turned to Twilight and lowered his neck to match her height, she looked at him with scared big sad eyes. Flash smiled at her.
I'm gonna be okay
Twilight tried to smile back, but it only made her cry more. She closed the space between both of them and gave Flash one last good bye kiss.
Flash stared at both of them a little bit more and made his way to the door. Twilight and First Base followed close by. He walked a few steps away from the door and then turned around. He looked at his brother and marefriend with soft eyes for the last time before putting on his Guard's mask again. He looked at hi brother and saluted him in military style, then he looked at Twilight and gave her the courtesy bow all guards gave to their Princess they served.
Twilight returned the bow, her's trying to mimic Flash's mask.
he turned around, looked at the sky, tainted with red and pink, breathed in all the air he could take. He opened his wings and took off.