Zapple and Dusty are brothers, sons of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Dusty will become a crop duster of the family, keeping bugs away from the apples. The "dust" is nonlethal of course, just simply a repellant. Zapple is the fastest earth pony in town and makes a mean Zap Apple jam!
Heirloom is the child of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara accidentally drunk a bit too much cider at a party one night and woke up with Snails in her bed. A month or so later she found out she was pregnant. Silver Spoon, being Diamond's girlfriend, didn't like this but didn't want to get rid of the baby. So they asked around discreetly for help and met up with Zecora, who mixed a brew that would allow the filly to have three parents which is why Heirloom looks like Silver Spoon as well as Snails and Diamond Tiara. Heirloom will be a antique salesmare and very rich, but she is very kind.