
Introducing Amora the Enchantress, ponyfied. what better enemy and occasional ally than lady Freya herself… yeah i know what you're thinking.

The biggest inspiration for her was obviously Princess Celestia, who i figured would be a great opposite to her. i gave her a chestplate designed (i think) to resemble breasts, as she is suppose to be a seductress. for her cutie mark, i gave her a golden apple (though you can't tell since it's FREAKIN' UNCOLORED) with the rune "f" for Freya. this being because she was able to coax yygdrasil, the tree of the world, to release the golden apples of knowledge, something no one else was ever able to do. of course, Applejack takes offence to her having an apple-themed cutie mark.

I wanted to make here mostly evil, but also a character to sympathize. she loves thor but her methods of trying to make him hers are all wrong, bordering somewhere between mischifouse and cruel. and his refusals only fuel her anger. but i also wanted her to be redeemable. she does genuinely love Thor after all. but she has to get past Princess Luna, first.


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