Today's all about the mares and fillies, as well as dragonesses, she-Griffons, Yak cows, and other female creatures of the realm. And for this year's tribute here are the Mane 6, the Princesses, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the female Young Six, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and many well-known female characters. As a little added bonus, I also included Luster Dawn — the last character in MLP:FiM. :D
Although I couldn't include EVERY female character into this pic, I'm really glad I got to include these in particular.
Derpy by :icongreenmachine987:
Songbird Serenade by :iconjhayarr23:
Rara by :icon90sigma:
Lyra and Bon Bon by :iconfrownfactory:
Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody by :iconponyhd:
Little Strong Heart by :iconjeatz-axl:
Captain Celaeno by :iconyanoda:
Ember, Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty, Kerfluffle, Torque Wrench by :iconcheezedoodle96:
Everypony else by me
I hope you all love this, especially you girls. Heart And have a Happy International Women's Day everybody!!! :D (Big Grin) And don't worry, I'll get to posting my journal tribute in honor of Women's Day.
(I updated this a week ago after I made Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon's vectors. I know the next Women's Day is still in March, but I felt like updating this since I included the former school bullies).