Before anyone with a keen eye points it out, yes I designed Dash's getup after her gala dress, which is not the same as the one she wore to the wedding. In my genius, I somehow didn't register my mistake until partway through, but decided to keep at it since I personally like the look of her gala dress better than her bridesmaid dress and thought it more fun to come up with an anthro interpretation of the former than the latter. But if the requester doesn't like that, I'll happily change it in the full version.
That aside, haven't tried again at a back perspective like I did with Dash in a long time, but I don't think it turned out too bad. Hopefully the posing isn't too awkward either, but I certainly could've done worse. Just ignore the atrocious hands…
As usual, full version should be done fairly soon, just prefer sharing the linework alone first. Thanks for checking it out!