
So, I asked the AMAZING Limedazzle to bring the character of one of my best friends on the planet to life in show-accurate EQG form n_n And as always, the result exceeds expectations!

Meet Coach EastStern, the grumpy, hotheaded coach of CHS who often threatens students that she'll use the paddle she has on her office wall to motivate and punish them… And bloody well means it!

She hardly ever seems to smile, and is very strict and grumpy… partly because she's quite short, and is sometimes mistaken for a student…

(Which makes it even more fun when Princess EastStern comes from Equestria and suddenly isn't taller than everypony else anymore, and gets grumpy about it n_n)

The artwork belongs to the amazing Limedazzle
EastStern belongs to Mina


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