@AA The poor devil started commissioning like crazy because it still hurts him that Hasbro made Pinkie in an canon with an official character of the serie 😂
And what makes me laugh about ImperfectXIII is his losing attitude saying words like these 😑
Comment by ImperfectXIII 2 years ago My OC is causing drama?
Poor loser 😂 that is the typical attitude of someone who feels powerful behind a computer 😐 when the reality for him is other history when he sees that Hasbro made official the shipping of his waifu Pinkie 😂
@Ferguz GD Someone who spends thousands of dollars on commissions just on mediocre shipping material for his self-insert OC and Pinkie Pie is not likely to be the cultured sort.
The poor devil started commissioning like crazy because it still hurts him that Hasbro made Pinkie in an canon with an official character of the serie 😂
And what makes me laugh about ImperfectXIII is his losing attitude saying words like these 😑
Poor loser 😂 that is the typical attitude of someone who feels powerful behind a computer 😐 when the reality for him is other history when he sees that Hasbro made official the shipping of his waifu Pinkie 😂
Someone who spends thousands of dollars on commissions just on mediocre shipping material for his self-insert OC and Pinkie Pie is not likely to be the cultured sort.