Trotting while keeping on with the cuddles and chatting all the way to a beautiful large tree which we can rest safe from the sun, we lie down at each other's side with Nighty doing a cute loafing like the cats she enjoys so much. Fleety spots a beautiful bird on the tree which resembles so much a phoenix.
"Hey love, check it out! A phoenix! Likely… She came here to check on you after your own rebirth from ashes ^^"
Nighty looks at the bird surprised, admiring it and all the surrounding beauty — Slowly having tears of joy to her eyes, looking back Fleety with the kindest smile.
Both mares continues their snuggling in so much joy of their new life at each other's side, pride for all they accomplished through effort and sweat. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————-
A little passage of peace and quiet, the gift I wish you the most! Happy Birthday!