"You seem distracted, Berry. Something on your mind? Or rather… some-ONE?" "What? N-No idea what you're talkin' about, 'Lus." "Come now, darling, I'm not blind. You've been spending a lot of time with that Copper Plume fellow lately. And I've seen the way your face lights up whenever he enters the room." "That obvious, huh? Sigh… You're right. I DO have kind of a crush on him. Not that it matters. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like guys." "I wouldn't be so sure. I've seen the way HE looks at YOU, too. He might just be figuring himself out. Give him some time. Let HIM make the first move."
"Good morning, Copper Plume. How are you today?" "ELUSIVE, I THINK I LIKE GUYS O_O" "…Wow. Bubble Berry totally owes me one." "What?" "Oh, nothing."
(Elusive sees what's going on. And he's 100% cool with it.)