Originally posted on: June 5, 2018, 5:25 PM UTC
> MLP [Next Gen] Archelia
> *I n f o r m a t i o n
> Name: Princess Archelia
> Gender: female
> Species: ???
> Age: 18
> Personality: active, curious, naughty
> Mother: Queen Celestia
> Father: King Thorax**
> Siblings: Blaze (senior brother), Dragonfire (**younger sister), Solar Flame (younger sister)**
> Short bio: Unlike brother, mother and father, Archelia loves luxury very much. Her chambers are always refined, and she herself follows fashion.
> Often reckless and acts without thinking. So she went to the Everlasting Forest (sort of right) and tried to tame Hydra. But in the end, she almost died. Fortunately, Queen Celestia managed to come to her aid. Since then, she tried to think first, and then do. But she doesn’t always succeed …
> Helps his brother rule Equestria and breaks down the chaos arranged by her younger twin sisters.
> She herself dreams of traveling and meeting the love of her life*
> Art by [DinkyDooLove](https://dinkydoolove.deviantart.com/)
> Base by [Alina-Brony29](https://www.deviantart.com/alina-brony29)
> [Base #16](https://www.deviantart.com/alina-brony29/art/Base-16-766855644)
> MLP [Next Gen] Archelia
> *I n f o r m a t i o n
> Name: Princess Archelia
> Gender: female
> Species: ???
> Age: 18
> Personality: active, curious, naughty
> Mother: Queen Celestia
> Father: King Thorax**
> Siblings: Blaze (senior brother), Dragonfire (**younger sister), Solar Flame (younger sister)**
> Short bio: Unlike brother, mother and father, Archelia loves luxury very much. Her chambers are always refined, and she herself follows fashion.
> Often reckless and acts without thinking. So she went to the Everlasting Forest (sort of right) and tried to tame Hydra. But in the end, she almost died. Fortunately, Queen Celestia managed to come to her aid. Since then, she tried to think first, and then do. But she doesn’t always succeed …
> Helps his brother rule Equestria and breaks down the chaos arranged by her younger twin sisters.
> She herself dreams of traveling and meeting the love of her life*
> Art by [DinkyDooLove](https://dinkydoolove.deviantart.com/)
> Base by [Alina-Brony29](https://www.deviantart.com/alina-brony29)
> [Base #16](https://www.deviantart.com/alina-brony29/art/Base-16-766855644)
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