
> Welcome to Part 3 of my Family Ark Story.
> Part 1 you find [HERE](/images/2806563).
> Part 2 you find [HERE](/images/2810905).
> 4. Part you find HERE (Link will be added when it is done)
> It will contain Spoilers, so if you havn't read the Nightmare Night Horror Story, go [HERE](/images/2735119) first and the continue with Part 1.
> Short Info, the Story will have some Timejumps.
> I would like to post it in real Time, but I not want to let you wait for 5 Years, neither 22.
> At the End of the Story, who are open, because I create it when I prepare the Upload, I will give you an Timeline with all Steps on the actual Storyline.
> There are some "Bugs" in the Timeline, I still try to sort out what has happen when.
> Nightmare Horror (31. Oct, Nightmare Night) and the Proposal (14.Feb, Hearts and Hoof Day) are real Time, not because I wanted it, just because the Art has need so much Time.
> From now the Time will jump, so don't wonder yourself, if you get an Hearts Warmin Day Picture in March (it was usual planed for 24. of December 2021).

Greetings fellow Ponys.

Changes, there are always Changes.
You can't prevent them or run away, but not all Changes are bad.
I let my Eyes wander over the Room.
I was sitting in front of a Drawer, surrounded by Boxes.
A Room I would call Home from now on.
It is not like this is the first Time I moved, but somehow I was already missing my old Home.
I lived at more Places as anypony else, in the Castle of the Sisters, the Palace in Canterlot, in Saddle Arabia and many more Places.
Finaly I found my Home near the Everfree forest in a small Cottage, where I lived for good 50 Years.
And now … now I was sitting on the Floor in a fresh build new Home on the Estate of the Apple Family.
This is now my new Home … no, our new Home.
I placed my Hand over my round Belly and could feel the new Life inside.
We already know it will be a Girl and from her Kicks I'm sure she will be a strong Girl, like her Father.

It is already over a Year since my Transformation into Nightmare Fluttershy.
But was I worth to be alive after all the Pain I had caused, all the Ponys who lost their Lives in that Night, because of me?
How they can still trust me or forgive me.

But then I had a deep personal Talk with Luna.
She told me her Story, how she was overtaken by the Nightmare and forced her own sister to battle her.
How she was one Moment in the old Equestria, a small Kingdom of Canterlot, the small Cloud Town of Cloudsdale and several Farms over the Land.
And then, after she was free of the Nightmare, thanks to seven brave Ponys who used the Elements of Harmony to free her, she had to live in a strange new World.
It was a World where everything has changed.
Equestria was much bigger now, Cloudsdale was a City and there was many new Settlements, included the small City of Ponyvile, not far from Canterlot.
It was a World she not longer know, with strange new Inventions, like the Trainline instead of Coaches for travel.
The worst for her was, she had lost everypony she has known.
All her Friends and Ponys she has known was gone, all except her Sister.
For a while, Luna was thinking, nothing realy has change in the Ponys.
They still loved the Day but slept in the Night.
We have invite Luna to show her, that this has changed over the Centurys and we visited the big City of Manehattan, the City who never sleeps.
Lunas Visit in Manehattan, as she saw the Skyline at Night for the first Time and all the Happy Ponys on the Streets changed her View on the World and showed her, there are Ponys who love the Night the same Way as other Ponys love the Day.
Of course, Luna had the Benefits of Oblivion.
After 1000 Years, the Knowledge of Nightmare Moon was mostly lost and Part of a Fairy Tale calld "The Mare in the Moon".
The Ponys have even forget that Celestia had a younger Sister.

The Ponys in this Time will remember Nightmare Fluttershy for a long Time, but I have something Luna not had in the Past, Friends.
The Ponys today could more easy forgive, if they know the Truth.
That it was not me, who has done all this, but the Nightmare, who controlled my Body.
Luna told me, the Ponys have forgive me, now I just had to learn to forgive myself.
My Friends have help me so much since then, helped me to walk on my Hoofes again, helped ne to smile and feel Joy again.
One of them was and is my Anchor in my Life, he help me when I need a strong Hand, made me happy, when I'm sad and now …

I raise my left Hand and look smiling on the small but so importent Piece of Jewelery on my Finger, my Wedding Ring.
Big Mac and I have made them ourself, with the Help of Rarity of course.
Mac had made my Ring and I have made his and Rarity has finish the Rings in her usual professional Quality.
My Ring is a golden Ring with an heart shaped white Diamond, placed in a red Gold Frame and on the Sides a green Emerald and a blue Saphire in the Colors of our Eyes.
The Ring I have made for Mac is very special, because it has to endure the work on the Farm, without hindering him.
So I have choosen a practical Design without any Details on the Ring Band who could hook somewhere.
My design was a gold Band with a white Gold Center and our Cutiemark Symbols, an Apple and an Butterfly, made od a Ruby, 2 Emeralds, 2 Pink diamonds and a Saphire, who are so perfectembedded into the Band, you nearly can't feel then, if you slide a finger over it.
Aditional both rings have an small Spell on them, so the wearer of the one ring can find the other Ring and it is protected against scratches and oder Damanges.

The Day I have ge my Ring was wonderful and scary at the same Time.
I still can remember it like it was yesterday.


I have feel so shy and scared, because I not wanted to do something wrong.
Coco Pommel and Rarity was helping me with my Dress, a beautyfull white Dream with yellow Roses on it.
Coco has made it hersef for me, after all an Seamstress has rarely the Chance to made an Wededing Dress for a Princess.
I think she has outdone herself and maybe has created her Master Piece as Tailor.
She not even wanted a Payment for it, because after everypony have see the Dress, she will get many Comission Requests and that's enough for her.
Rarity has made me a longer Version of my Wreath and added it into my Hair.
Today I had my Hair in a different Style as usual.
My Brother Zwphyr Breeze, who is a professional Hairdresser, has give me the same Hairstyle as Pear Butter, who was Big Mac's Mother and my Mother in Law after this Day.
Mac on the other side has get Applejacks Hat for the Day, who was once the Hat of Bright Mac, the Father of the two.
We both had the Idea to honor the two, by including them with this Gesture in our Wedding Ceremony and I'm sure, where ever the two are, maybe they watching us with a happy Smile.

The Wedding was at 29. of August in Canterlot and Queen Cadance personaly was leading the Ceremony, at the same Place where she has married Shining Armor some Years ago, as she still was a Princess and Celestia the Queen and Host of the Ceremony.
Everypony was here and I could not remember seeing so much Guests at a Wedding.
In the front Row of course my Parents, with Places for my Dad Night Light, my Step Mother Twilight Velvet, my Step Dad Gentle Breeze (Mr. Shy) and my Mother Posey Shy (Mrs Shy), Zephyr Breeze and of course my Friends Trixie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Pinkie.
On the other Side, next to Queen Cadance was Princess Crysalis, Twilight, Celestia and Luna as my Bridesmaids and on the other Side Prince Shining Armor, Night Chaser, Steelo and Spike as Mac's Groomsmen, Apple Bloom had the Honor to carry the Wedding Rings.

As the Ceremony begun, my Dad was leading me from the Door into the Room.
When Big Mac saw me, he was completely mesmerized by my Appearance and I could tell he was hard trying not to cry with joy … he is such a big strong Guy, but has a big, soft Heart.

I was happy that my Dad gave me the Hold to go the short Way, who appeared endless for me.
But then I was next to Mac and Cadance, scared and nervous because of all the Eyes watching me.
I guess Mac could feel my Fears and took my Hand in his.
His soft Touch helped me like a Grounding, so my Fears and Nervousness flow out of my Body and was replaced by Security and Confidence.
What ever would happen, Mac would protect me and made me feel safe.

As he placed my Ring on my Finger and then kissed me, the World disapeared for a Moment and it was just he and me and I allowed me a Moment to be just a
simple Mare, helpless in the Arms of the Stallion she love.
I opened my Eyes again and finaly could see a Tear roll down his Cheek …
Everypony was clapping and cheering to us.
From now on, I was an Part of the Apple Family, with an complete new Part of my Life in Front of me, or better in Front of us.

The Wedding Party after it was maybe the best Party Pinkie and Cheese have created, but I doubt it was possible for this Power Couple, not to made the best Events in Equestria.
For the first Dance between Bride and Groom it was classical Music, performed by Octavia and Lyra and later by Vinyl Scratch, who was showing, that she not just can play electronic Music.

Later after the End of the Party, the Guests left to there Homes, Hotels and some, like the Sisters and the Harmony 7 stayed in the Canterlot Castle, until their Train would bring them home in the nex Morning.
Queen Cadance had one special Gift for us at last.
She gave us the Queens Chanbers for our Wedding Night, the Room who was once Celestias private Room and now the Room of Cadance.

Later as Mac was making gentle Love with me, the Moon was shining in the Room, like Luna wanted to be sure we are save under its soft Light.
Maybe it would be special if Mac had imprenate me in this Night, instead on my Kitchen Table that Evening in Spring.
But now I was here, in the Room I maybe someday could call my own, if I someday accept Cadances Offer and be Queen, like Celestia wanted it for me.
But now I was laying next to Mac, my Head on his strong Chest and litening hie Breathing, while he is sleeping.

Yes, everything change someday, but not al Changes are bad.
I closed my Eyes and soon asleep as well.


A Hand touch my Shoulder and I snap out of my Daydreams.
"Is it not a bit early to fall asleep, Mrs sexy Apple" Mac ask me with a smile.
"I could'nt stop to dream of you, Mr handsome Shy" I tease him back.
He sit behind me and lay his Arms around me, placing his Hands on my Belly, to feel for his Daughter.
"Ouch" I said as she gave the Place of Macs Hand a strong Kick.
"Feels like she comes after Applejack." Mac said with a giggle, "She is already a strong Girl."
"I'll get bruises from the inside, if she keeps kicking me like that." I mumbled and then said softly to my Belly: "Dont worry Sweetie, it is just your Dad.".
My gentle Words calmed her down, looks like she realy can hear what other say outside.
Maybe I should be carefull with less suitable Words in her Presence until she is 18.

"We have get a little Present, Babe." he say with a Smile and point on a Piece of Furniture, he had place there.
It is a Cradle, a very antique Cradle to be exactly.
"That's very old, has the Museum send it to us?" I ask him curious.
"Eeyup. Just not the Museum directly. Luna has send it." says Mac, "Sehe said she has found it in a old Room in the Castle, but she could not tell me why it was there. I'll fix the Cradle up for our Daughter. I hope she will like it."
"hmmm." I say, "Theres a small Sign on the Side, nearly unreadable. Something with "Night" but I can't read the Rest. Very strange.".

Hope you like this Picture of our Wedding.
Have a Look at []( for my Concepts of the Rings.
The Cradle is over 1000 Years old and Part of another Background Story, the Story of Nightmare Chaser.
His BG story based on the probably abandoned Story "Hair of the Nightmare", where Twilight is the Daughter of Luna,who was born before Lunas Banishement, who is also based on a similar Story with the Name "The empty Room".
Actual I have written the first Version of the Begin of my Freiendship is Kindness Fanfic, where are the Details about Night's Past and why Luna can't remember.
I'm not a experienced Writer, so I'm not sure if I ever can write the Story.
Maybe I should write it in my own Language (German) and then let someone else translate it for me.

The next Part, posted next Sunday, will be 4 Months later in the Story, so it is in December and near Hearts Warming Day.
It is the Picture I hoped to upload around Xmas, but the Art has need to much Time, so I hope it is not so bad if I post it over 2 Months later.
But it is so far the most complex Comission with the biggest Price Tag so far.
It will also be an Search Picture for you, maybe you can find all Cameo Chars in it (some have no Names so far).

Have a nice Day and I see you at the next Upload ;-)

> Follow me on Twitter to get an Info when I upload something: Princess Fluttershy on Twitter
> You are interested in using me in your Commissions, Artworks, Storys of Comics? have a look here for my [Commish Rules](/images/2654997)
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safe2471219 artist:jraisins71 imported from derpibooru3633829 apple bloom72108 big macintosh39592 fluttershy299201 princess celestia132434 princess luna135908 shining armor33185 spike107846 oc1081613 oc:nightmare chaser8 oc:princess crysalis1 oc:princess fluttershy99 oc:queen cadance4 oc:steelo100 alicorn346025 anthro434742 earth pony483864 pegasus538569 unguligrade anthro72309 unicorn585234 adult3914 adult spike1775 alicorn oc39064 alternate character design68 alternate hairstyle42751 alternate universe14812 au:friendship is kindness74 bell7492 canon x oc38022 canterlot castle3209 clothes722711 colored wings15695 commission132663 cowboy hat28277 dress69620 female1962386 flower44017 fluttermac4403 g5 concept leaks1124 hat137481 holding hands4482 horn188749 implied bright mac89 implied pear butter101 jewelry125185 male585610 marriage2094 older43811 older spike9912 ring7950 ring bearer16 shipping287838 stetson6431 story included13843 straight203113 tiara7781 twilight sparkle (g5 concept leak)324 two toned wings6680 wedding2172 wedding dress3151 wedding ring1384 wedding veil854 wings257155


not provided yet


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