Erika Aethelhilde. A general rank-and-file Corporal of the German Army.
She's stoic and calm under pressure, and rarely smiles, but she's compassionate under the surface and cares greatly for her fellow soldiers, highly respecting the chain of command, and respects the SS a great deal more than the general army tends to. She's an excellent riflemare that trained hard to achieve the best results, is one of the best shots in her division, and as a Corporal she carries an STG44. Her issued Stahlhelm given at the beginning of the war has stayed with her thus far, and she hopes she can carry it through to the end of the war. Despite being a Unicorn, she's a little taller than most other Unicorns, and rather tough too. She despises smoking as a habit, but will sometimes smoke when everything is extremely chaotic to calm her nerves considerably and then feels horrible afterwards. She's obsessed with maintaining her weapons and field-strips her rifle at least once everyday, and usually needs to requisition more oil every week. She has a sister called Edelweiss, and has an interest in tanks because of her, but knows she could never work in one because enclosed spaces make her uncomfortable from a trench collapse she was caught up in. She very much wants to have a family one day and to have at least four foals, two colts and two fillies would be lovely. She's a rather good hoof at sewing, which helps when her uniform gets damaged from tears and falls. She has a sweet tooth for chocolate, and it's her usual habit to stay even-headed, which may or may not contribute to her ample posterior…