Hi there sorry I have news must talking to you about this
If you don't know that please read my post…..
I never draw some disgusting artwork!
I just enjoy draw some fanart for my friends….as cute stuff and hugs…
Message for him:
Y E S I'm talking to you Pepper _….
You're lies I'm not pedo and adult… I'M TEENAGER!!!
I've had enough of you!!!
I'm really sorry if heard I'm rude because i heard someone talking about pedo and lies….My life is ruined….
It's me very Uncomfortable…….
Someone really will care about me?…..(you think….)
And i think i will take break from DA ………
Because of him…….
Remember: I'm an teenager and only 2 months 21 days….is my birthday, I'm 16 years old soon in July 24,But very shit this person keep talking to others about bad me…….
Always that's why I'm sad……..